Wellness + Immunity

This month’s theme has been #balance, which seems like the perfect topic, what with everything that’s going on in the world right now. Many people are not only struggling with trying to reduce their exposure to getting sick, but many are also struggling with trying to find calm and peace in a world that is very much stressed out right now. 

If this sounds like you, you’re not alone. Washing your hands and avoiding big gatherings is only half the battle. The other half is staying grounded amidst all of the chaos. Which is why we decided this would be a great time to create a blog focusing on what you can do to boost your immunity and wellness!

Let’s start by defining the two terms a little. When we talk about immunity, we mean your resistance to illness, as well as your ability to fight off sickness. In other words, how well is your body able to recognize a foreign invader and fight it off?

Certain things reduce our immunity, like stress, poor nutrition, alcohol, and smoking. So, as we continue to talk about balance (what we can remove and/or add into our lives to even the scales) we know that it’s important to remove any environmental factors that aren’t supporting us. For example, cutting back on alcohol consumption, or smoking. On the other hand, it’s also important to start adding in things that will benefit us, like foods rich in vitamin C and other nutrients. By practicing both adding in, and taking out, we’ll find the balance in the middle that will help boost our immunity and increase our body’s ability to detect and eliminate viral infections.

Wellness is slightly different. When we talk about wellness, it’s a grander, all-encompassing term. It’s meant to describe not only how your body is functioning, but also how you feel. Do you feel vibrant, happy, and engaged? Do you wake up without pain in the morning? Are you able to manage your stress levels? Again, this is all about finding that balance in your life, whether it’s between work/play, health food/junk food, or exercise/rest. 

The two are innately connected. When you feel well, it usually means your body is functioning properly. And when your body is functioning well, it generally means you feel well. The two are so intertwined it’s difficult to differentiate them, but we’re going to separate some of our top tips for these two categories into the more practical, hands-on immunity boosting elements, as well as some ideas to help enrich your overall wellness.

For Immunity...

...Drink Tea

Yes, tea. And no, I don’t mean a big matcha latte, although those are delicious. What I’m calling “tea” is actually more accurately referred to as a “tisane” or an “herbal brew”. And I have a specific recipe that is incredibly easy to pull together, and will help boost your immunity almost instantly, as listed below:

The recipe is as follows:

2 parts Elderflower

2 parts Yarrow

2 parts orange peel

1 part rose hips

In case you’re confused, “1 part” just means you’d evenly divide the recipe according to whatever size you’ve decided to make. In other words, if you’re making one pot of tea, you might do two teaspoons Elderflower, two teaspoons Yarrow, two teaspoons orange peel, and one teaspoon rose hips and combine them all before brewing. If, on the other hand, you wanted to mix all of the dry herbs into a big batch, you might convert those teaspoons to cups. 

All of these herbs are known for boosting your immune system, and providing general protection to help prevent you from getting sick. However, make sure you check with your doctor if you have any concerns, or if you’re on any medications that might interfere. Herbs really do work--they’re incredibly potent, so make sure they’re safe for you to drink. 

Another option is to add powdered orange peel to some warm water with honey and/or lemon. It has a very mild flavor, but it’s full of vitamin C and a great way to boost immunity without having to brew a cup of tea.

...Take Elderberry Syrup

Although research is limited, it’s still noted in medical communities that elderberry syrup does seem to work, even though no one is sure why. This dark purple syrup helps shorten the length of colds and flu, and many people will tell you firsthand it stops you from becoming ill in the first place. However, elderberry syrup is definitely an herbalist’s recommendation--so keep in mind if you’re not someone who turns to “natural” remedies, and would rather take something over the counter, elderberry syrup may not be the perfect fit.

Although it’s relatively easy to make your own elderberry syrup, it’s smart to purchase a bottle first to try it. I’d recommend looking at herb shops in your area--they often have locally grown and crafted elderberry syrup, which is going to be much higher quality than products that have to be shipped. However, regardless of the source, elderberry is such a potent herb, it will help boost your immunity. A note of caution, however--never eat elderberries if you come across them while hiking, or if you come across them somewhere else. The syrup is safe when taken in correct doses, but whole elderberries can cause severe stomach upset, and need to be cooked into a syrup before they can be ingested.

...Use Essential Oils

Unlike elderberry syrup, which still has some skepticism surrounding it, essential oils are tried and true. Although they’re considered “alternative”, plenty of proven research has been done showing the benefits of various essential oils for many different conditions. 

For viruses and bacteria, your best bet is to diffuse something like thyme, eucalyptus, tea tree, and clove. I personally dislike diffusing tea tree oil, but I love it as an acne spot treatment, and as a cleaning agent. However, eucalyptus and lavender is one of my favorite combinations for diffusing. It smells delicious, the eucalyptus helps fight viruses (and helps fevers) and the lavender is the perfect stress reliever. 

If you’re looking for something a bit more intense, some of the earthy, spicy oils are great for quite literally cleaning the air. Clove has antiviral and antifungal properties, and will help purify the air as it’s diffused. doTERRA also has a great essential oil blend that we’ve talked about before in one of our Instagram videos, their OnGuard essential oil blend. It contains Wild Orange Peel, Clove Bud, Cinnamon Leaf, Cinnamon Bark, Eucalyptus Leaf, and Rosemary Leaf/Flower essential oils. Again, it’s meant to purify the air while boosting the immune system and uplifting the nervous system. We don’t currently carry it at Infinity, but they do have roll-on options you can purchase online, as well as the pure oil that can be diffused.

For Wellness


This is one of the best stress-relievers we have, and people often forget the importance of having laughter in their lives. Get it however you can. If you’re currently staying at home, make use of that time by bunkering down with a big mug of tea and a few Netflix comedy specials. Or, have a family game night and play Charades. Anything you can do to keep the smiles and humor coming are going to be of huge benefit. Laughter decreases stress hormones and increases immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies, while also triggering the release of endorphins, which are your body's natural feel-good chemicals. You’ll destress, feel happier, and yes, it will boost your immunity! 

...Take a Bath

This one is another one of those easy, scientifically-proven ways to feel good and boost wellness. A warm-to-hot bath improves circulation, helping blood to flow easier, which also makes it more oxygenated--this allows you to breathe deeply and slowly. Taking a hot bath can also kill bacteria, and it improves immunity. If you have any symptoms of a cold or flu, it can also help relieve them, particularly if you’re able to make the bathroom steamy. It can help relax body aches, release congestion, and soothe coughs. If you’re feeling like you’d really like to go full-spa-experience, add a bath bomb, some epsom salts, some body oil, and/or some essential oil. If you add essential oils, take care to remember not to add too much. They’ll sit on the surface of the water, and can irritate skin if you add too much. My personal favorite combo is a few cups of epsom salts, followed by a few drops of lavender essential oil. It’s super yummy and relaxing, and the perfect nighttime ritual.

...Do Something You Love

This is sort of a generic catch-all, but it’s important, because it’ll be different for everyone. Doing something you love, just for fun, is one of the best ways to boost your mood and reduce stress hormones. For me, that’s reading a good book. And by good, I mean a lighthearted, cheesy romance. Whatever you choose to do, they’re shouldn’t be any judgments--it should just be about whatever sounds really, really appealing. For other people, it might be drawing, writing, baking, knitting, scrapbooking, taking pictures of their pets, dancing to your favorite music, singing, doing yoga, or setting aside some time to give yourself a mini facial. It can really be anything. Just take the time to ask yourself, if you could take an hour and do anything, what would you do? 

Hopefully this has given you a few ideas on how to boost immunity, incorporate some acts of wellness, and find ways to navigate everything that’s going on in the world right now. As the next few weeks play out, make sure you take care of yourself, and try to get as much rest and relaxation as possible. Let us know if you try any of these tips, and if they help boost your wellness routine!

The author of this blog, Layla Hanson, is a writer and project manager for Infinity Aesthetics, specializing in holistic media production. You can see her popping in and out of the office from time to time to snap photos for our Instagram and website. Feel free to say hi and offer to pose for a picture!

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